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Preschool Information

If you would like to have your child participate in the Preschool screening, please contact Carrie Curreri at DiPietro 508 883 8001 ext 3504.  

Parents/guardians who would like to enter their child(ren) into the lottery for our preschool registration must provide the necessary paperwork (see below).  Registration packets for new prospective preschool families can be downloaded from our website (see PreK-3 Registration Section) or picked up in the main office of our elementary school.

Completed student registration forms should be mailed or hand-delivered to the elementary school's main office, with copies of the following NO LATER THAN APRIL 1, 2025.

  1. Your MA driver’s license or other photo ID

  2. Your child’s birth certificate (child must be 3 or 4 -years-old on or before August 31, 2025)

  3. Your child’s most recent physical exam record and proof of lead & vision screening. By law, children are not to be admitted to school without proof of immunizations. 

  4. Proof of residency in the Elementary School district.

    1. Homeowners should provide a recent mortgage statement AND a current property tax, trash, sewer or water bill from the Town of Bellingham. 

    2. Renters must provide either (1) a copy of their lease AND recent rent receipt

    3. or (2) a signed letter from the property owner listing residents, including children living at the property WITH the homeowner's proof of residency (see “homeowners” above).


  • Tuition rates:  $1300 for 2 days; $2600 for 4 days (note: all 4 year old's attend 4 days). Tuition is divided in equal monthly installments regardless of the number of school vacation days in a month.

  • Once the maximum class size is reached, students will be added to the waitlist.

  • Early Intervention inquiries, please call Maryann Mello, Special Education Team Chair at (508) 883-8001

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